Tasso + Self Blood Collection Device
The Tasso+ device is a blood lancet that collects whole liquid blood samples. Multiple standard collection tubes are compatible.
Device Indication for Use:
The Tasso+ is a single-use blood lancing device intended for obtaining microliter capillary whole blood samples.
Storage: 18-28º C (64.4-77º F)
Shelf Life: 12 months
Manufacturing: Assembled in the USA
Availability: Class II Lancet 510(k)-Cleared
Type of Use: Prescription use
The Tasso+ device is a blood lancet that collects whole liquid blood samples. Multiple standard collection tubes are compatible.
Device Indication for Use:
The Tasso+ is a single-use blood lancing device intended for obtaining microliter capillary whole blood samples.
Storage: 18-28º C (64.4-77º F)
Shelf Life: 12 months
Manufacturing: Assembled in the USA
Availability: Class II Lancet 510(k)-Cleared
Type of Use: Prescription use
The Tasso+ device is a blood lancet that collects whole liquid blood samples. Multiple standard collection tubes are compatible.
Device Indication for Use:
The Tasso+ is a single-use blood lancing device intended for obtaining microliter capillary whole blood samples.
Storage: 18-28º C (64.4-77º F)
Shelf Life: 12 months
Manufacturing: Assembled in the USA
Availability: Class II Lancet 510(k)-Cleared
Type of Use: Prescription use