Can a hybrid model help to overcome the limitations of telemedicine?

With the peak of the pandemic decreasing, it appears that Telemedicine is here to stay.  We see hybrid models as a viable option for physician practice.  The doctor will see you – over the screen in whatever capacity he or she can see you, but there will be a nurse next to the patient doing a physical exam, labs, and instrumental tests.  Clinicians cannot graduate from their programs without mastering the physical exam, and telemedicine is asking them to do so over a screen, in a patient’s home that may have a poor connection - meaning it is difficult to hear, and difficult to really evaluate what might be going on for the patient.  So not being able to gather the patient vitals at the time of visit may be mastered, perhaps they have a device that they purchased and can obtain their own results?  Then what?  As clinicians we manually make a chart entry, and what about imaging and blood work to help minimize missed diagnoses?  Without human contact are we just putting a Band-Aid on a wound that might ultimately require better care to heal?  Emotional support one of the requirements to heal patients is just not there.  Not unless you offer them a behavioral health visit. 

These are just a few of the limitations of telemedicine.  Now we are hearing of telemedicine devices.  Remote patient monitoring offers real-time information on what the patient is experiencing physiologically in their home.  What do you do with all that data though?  How does that transmit on whether you need to send out a phlebotomist to collect the patient’s blood, schedule another telemedicine visit or bring the patient into the office?  What can you do in real-time to act on real-time data?   

At Diagenta our platform is more than just telemedicine incorporating medical devices.  We built the platform based on meeting the patient’s need to be treated in the home.  A nurse brings the platform to the patient, performs the vital exam, consults with a provider via video conference, and performs point of care diagnostic labs and imaging in real-time.  Results are available in 15 minutes.  No ordering in tests, waiting for a phlebotomist, no repeating exams, or worrying about holding the integrity of the sample.  Treatment starts immediately not when the results are available or at follow-up telemedicine or in-office visit.  No pretending that you are caring for the patient as if they were in your office, your nurse is right at their side providing that psychological support.  The data is integrated directly into your EHR along with a comprehensive report that can be sent on for professional consultation. 

At Diagenta, we bring a new level of technology-enabled house call to the 21st century. Don't stop short of only collecting patient data and then take the time to analyze what might be going on for the patient and what to do on the next steps.  Opt for an all-in-one approach by practicing at the top of your license.  


Screening for Prediabetes at home or at your PCP office